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Hilde in Italia


Arte e vita nella fotographie

di Hilde Lotz-Bauer


Now showing
Museo di Roma in Trastevere
17 January – 5 May 2024

"The idea of the exhibition ... is based on a dialogue with Corinna Lotz, my partner in this project, and the observation that at the heart of Hilde Lotz-Bauer's production is a two-fold gaze, which runs through her approach to a manifold range of subjects and sensibilities. Thus, the shots documenting the people dwelling in Italian towns complement silent urban and architectural spaces devoid of human presence."

Dr. Federica Kappler

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"Hilde in Italy is the first deeply researched display of the work of the German photographer and art historian Hilde Lotz-Bauer between 1934-1943. She was a true pioneer of street photography but also the first professional photographer at the Biblioteca Hertziana in Rome and later at the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz where her impeccable images of sculpture, drawings and architecture are preserved.

Hilde in Italia è la prima mostra ragionata della produzione italiana nel decennio 1934-1943 della fotografa e storica dell'arte tedesca Hilde Lotz-Bauer vera pionera della fotgrafia di strada o street photography, ma anche la prima fotografa professionista alla Bibliotheca Hertziana di Roma e dopo al Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz dove si conservano immagini impeccabili di scultura, disegni e architettura."

Ilaria Miarelli Mariana
Director, Civic Museums, Commune di Roma, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Beni Culturali

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"Con la sua Leica al collo, Hilde Lotz-Bauer è stata una delle pioniere della fotografia di reportage: non solo le foto di Scanno ma le molte altre scattate in Italia rivelano uno sguardo personale, che ritrae il quototidiano con occhio attento e sensible.

With her Leica hanging around her neck, Hilde Lotz-Bauer was a pioneer of reportage photography: not only do her photos of Scanno but many others shot in Italy reveal a personal gaze, which portrays quotidian life with an attentive and sensitive eye."

Gianni Berengo Gardin
Italy's most distinguished contemporary photographer

Flyer: English / Italiano

Hilde in Italy flyer

More information:

Catalogue €30 can be purchased from the publisher Gangemi

Hilde in Italia catalogue


Hilde in Italia Repubblica Hilde in Italia Grazia review
Click to enlarge

